JSON to XML Converter

Converts JSON data to XML data.


File size cannot be more than 2mb

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How to use this JSON to XML Converter Tool?

Online JSON to XML Example

Below is an example of the original JSON to XML and the result.

Original JSON to XML Example
    "book": {
        "-category": "yttags",
        "-cover": "yttags",
        "title": {
            "-lang": "en",
            "#text": "Learning XML"
        "author": "yttags",
        "year": "2023",
        "price": "100"

And an example of how the online JSON to XML works.

JSON to XML Result
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
     <book category="yttags" cover="yttags">
         <title lang="en">Learning XML</title>

How to use Yttags's JSON to XML Converter?

  • Step 1: Select the Tool
JSON to XML Converter Step 1
  • Step 2: paste your JSON text into the textbox And Press The Convert Button And Check Your JSON to XML Converter Result
JSON to XML Converter Step 2

If you want to link to Json To Xml Converter page, please use the codes provided below!

Json To Xml Converter

FAQs for JSON to XML Converter

How to Convert JSON to XML?
You can use the `JsonConvert` class from the Newtonsoft.Json library to convert JSON to XML in C#: ```csharp string xmlString = JsonConvert.DeserializeXNode(jsonString, "Root"); ``` Replace `jsonString` with the JSON data you want to convert.
How to convert JSON to XML in Java code?
You can use the Jackson library to convert JSON to XML in Java: ```java String xmlString = new ObjectMapper().readTree(jsonString).toString(); ``` Replace `jsonString` with the JSON data you want to convert.
How to convert JSON to XML JS?
You can use the `json2xml` library to convert JSON to XML in JavaScript: ```javascript var xmlString = json2xml(jsonObj); ``` Replace `jsonObj` with the JSON object you want to convert.
Can we convert JSON file to XML file?
Yes, you can use libraries like `json2xml` in JavaScript to convert a JSON file to an XML file in JavaScript: ```javascript var xmlString = json2xml(jsonObj); fs.writeFileSync('output.xml', xmlString); ``` Replace `jsonObj` with the JSON object and make sure to use the appropriate file system module (like `fs` in Node.js) to write the XML content to a file named `output.xml`.
How to convert JSON to XML in Postman?
In Postman, you can use the `json2xml` npm library in the Pre-request Script or Test Script sections to convert JSON to XML: ```javascript pm.environment.set("xmlData", json2xml(pm.response.json())); ``` This example stores the XML data in the Postman environment variable `xmlData`. Make sure you have the `json2xml` library added to your Postman scripts.