Fuel Consumption

Fuel Unit Conversion - converts gallons (UK)/100 miles, gallons (US)/100 miles, kilometer/liter (km/l), liters/100 kilometer, liters/meter, miles/gallon (UK) (mpg), miles/gallon (US) (mpg) etc.

From: gallons (UK)/100 miles

To: gallons (UK)/100 miles

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How to use this Fuel Consumption Tool?

How to use Yttags's Fuel Consumption?

  • Step 1: Select the Tool
Fuel Consumption Step 1
  • Step 2: To perform a Fuel Consumption, walk through the steps below:
  1. Select the unit of the From(source).
  2. Enter the From(source) value into the box at the top left.
  3. Select the unit of the To(target).
  4. The Fuel Consumption is automatically performed and the result is displayed at the right-hand side.
Fuel Consumption Step 2

Units of measurement

Conversion units for the Fuel Consumption

gallons (UK)/100 miles, gallons (US)/100 miles, kilometer/liter (km/l), liters/100 kilometer, liters/meter, miles/gallon (UK) (mpg), miles/gallon (US) (mpg)

If you want to link to Fuel Converter page, please use the codes provided below!

Fuel Converter

FAQs for Fuel Consumption

What is fuel consumption?
Fuel consumption refers to the amount of fuel consumed by a vehicle or machine over a specific distance or time, typically measured in miles per gallon (mpg) or liters per 100 kilometers (L/100km).
How do I calculate fuel cost per mile?
To calculate fuel cost per mile, divide the cost of fuel per gallon or liter by the vehicle's fuel efficiency in miles per gallon or kilometers per liter, respectively.
How do I calculate fuel consumption per 100 km?
To calculate fuel consumption per 100 km, divide the amount of fuel consumed (in liters) by the distance traveled (in kilometers) and then multiply by 100.
How to calculate the fuel consumption of a vehicle?
To calculate the fuel consumption of a vehicle, track the amount of fuel used (in gallons or liters) over a certain distance or time and divide it by the distance traveled or time elapsed.
How to use this fuel consumption calculator?
To use a fuel consumption calculator, input the distance traveled or the amount of fuel consumed, along with the corresponding units, and the calculator will provide the fuel efficiency or consumption rate in the desired units (e.g., mpg, L/100km).