30+ Free image url for testing

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An image url for testing is a web address that points to an image file. When you use an image url for testing, you can test how your website looks when it is displayed on different devices, including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

What is an image url?

An image url is a unique identifier for a graphic image on the internet. It is a series of characters that are typically displayed in the address bar of a web browser.

The Random Picture Generator contains 500+ random images. Enjoy finding random pictures and photos.

image urls for testing

online image url for testing


dummy image url for testing


Image URL Test

  • https://via.placeholder.com/150/0000FF/808080 ?Text=PAKAINFO.com
  • https://via.placeholder.com/150/FF0000/FFFFFF?Text=yttags.com
  • https://via.placeholder.com/150/FFFF00/000000?Text=google.com
  • https://via.placeholder.com/150/000000/FFFFFF/?text=y2meta.com

here are 10 sample image URLs for testing:

  1. https://via.placeholder.com/150
  2. https://picsum.photos/200/300
  3. https://www.fillmurray.com/200/300
  4. https://placekitten.com/200/300
  5. https://placeimg.com/200/300/animals
  6. https://www.placecage.com/200/300
  7. https://www.placebear.com/200/300
  8. https://placeimg.com/200/300/nature
  9. https://dummyimage.com/200×300
  10. https://source.unsplash.com/200×300/?random

5 Best Free Online images for testing

here are a few websites where you can find free images for testing purposes:


Beautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project. Better than any royalty free or stock photos.

Website : https://unsplash.com/


Free stock photos & videos you can use everywhere. Browse millions of high-quality royalty free stock images & copyright free pictures. No attribution required.

Website : https://www.pexels.com/


Find your perfect royalty-free image or video to download and use. ✓ Royalty-free ✓ No attribution required ✓ High quality images.

Website : https://pixabay.com/


The best source for free, CC0, do-what-you-want-with stock photos. Browse and download thousands of copyright-free stock images. No attribution required.

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Website : https://stocksnap.io/

Burst (by Shopify):

Website : https://burst.shopify.com/

Browse thousands of beautiful copyright-free images. All our pictures are free to download for personal and commercial use, no attribution required.

These websites offer high-quality, royalty-free images that you can use for testing or any other purposes without worrying about copyright issues. Just make sure to check the specific licensing terms for each image you use.

20+ Free image url for testing


How can you create an image url for testing?

Testing image urls is a great way to ensure that your website looks the way you expect it to. You can create a temporary url for testing purposes by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your website’s admin panel.
  2. Click on “Settings” in the top left corner of the admin panel.
  3. Scroll down to the “Images” section and click on the “Create Image URL” button.
  4. Enter a unique image url in the “Create Image URL” field.
  5. Click on the “Create Image URL” button to create your testing image url.

Now you can use this testing image url to preview your website’s look and feel.

How can you use image url for testing?

Testing is an essential step in any web development project. You can use image url to test your website or web application. Image url is a special type of url that includes the image file name and the url. This makes it easy to test the image on your website or web application.

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To test an image on your website or web application, use the following url format:

image url

For example, the url for the image file name “cat.jpg” is http://www.example.com/cat.jpg. The url for the image file name “dog.jpg” is http://www.example.com/dog.jpg.

To test an image on your website or web application, use the following url format:

image url

For example, the url for the image file name “cat.jpg” is http://www.example.com/cat.jpg. The url for the image file name “dog.jpg” is http

What are the benefits of using image url for testing?

One of the benefits of using image urls for testing is that you can automate the process.

This can save you time and ensure that your tests are running as smoothly as possible.

Additionally, image urls can be more reliable than other methods because they are not subject to the same changes as the website itself.

What are the disadvantages of using image url for testing?

There are a few potential disadvantages of using image urls for testing.

The first is that an image url can be easily cached, so if a test is run multiple times with the same image url, the results may be the same each time. This can result in inaccurate results.

Additionally, image urls can be difficult to remember, so if a test needs to be repeated multiple times, it can be difficult to keep track of which image url to use.

Finally, if the image url is accidentally lost or changed, the test results may be inaccurate.

What are the best practices for using image url for testing?

When testing image urls, it is important to follow best practices to ensure that your tests are accurate and consistent.

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Below are a few tips to follow when using image urls in your tests:

1. Always use the same format for image urls when testing different pages or different variants of a page. For example, test the same image url with the http://localhost:8080/pages/home.html and http://localhost:8080/pages/about.html variants, but don’t test the image url http://localhost:8080/pages/home/about.html.

2. Make sure that the image url is properly formatted. For example, make sure that the file extension is included, and that the file is in the correct location.

3. When testing image urls, always make sure that the image is displayed properly.


In conclusion, utilizing image URLs for testing purposes offers a practical and efficient method to ensure the visual integrity of web applications across diverse platforms and devices. By generating image URLs and integrating them into testing frameworks, developers and testers can automate the validation process, saving time and effort. Despite potential drawbacks such as caching issues and the risk of URL loss, adherence to best practices can mitigate these concerns. Ultimately, leveraging image URLs for testing facilitates consistent and accurate assessment of image rendering, contributing to the overall quality and usability of web-based projects.

Hi, I’m Jaydip Gondaliya. I help build websites, grow businesses, big and small. If that is what you want, contact me. I’m currently available for freelance work. [email protected]

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